22. Generate Parentheses Problem Solved: Uncover the Most Efficient Java Algorithm
Problem Solving Approach
To generate all combinations, typically use recursive function DFS.
Must open ‘(’ and then close ‘)’ to get valid combinations only (backtracking algorithm).
if (open < length)
if (close < open)
When the length of the string becomes twice of n, it's the end of the recursion (base case).
Time O((2^n) / 2)=O(4^n/sqrt(n)), Space O((2^n) / 2)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Solution {
* Generates all combinations of well-formed parentheses.
* @param n the number of pairs of parentheses
* @return a list of all combinations of well-formed parentheses
public List<String> generateParenthesis(int n) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
generateParenthesisRecur(result, "", 0, 0, n);
return result;
* Generates all combinations of well-formed parentheses using recursion.
* @param result the list of generated combinations
* @param currentString the current string being built
* @param open the number of open parentheses in the current string
* @param close the number of close parentheses in the current string
* @param len the desired length of the current string
private void generateParenthesisRecur(List<String> result, String currentString, int open, int close, int len) {
if (currentString.length() == len * 2) {
if (open < len) {
generateParenthesisRecur(result, currentString + "(", open + 1, close, len);
if (close < open) {
generateParenthesisRecur(result, currentString + ")", open, close + 1, len);
- The total number of combinations is 2^n, but this is reduced to half by the backtracking algorithm. Therefore, the time complexity is O(2^(2n)/2) = O(4^n/sqrt(n)).