Cybersecurity: What Is Weak String Strength?


2 min read


Weak string strength is a measure of how vulnerable a string, such as a password or authentication information, is.

Vulnerability Points

  • Login Page

Vulnerability Assessment Methods

  • Length, simplicity

  • Usernames: admin, administrator, manager, guest, test, scott, tomcat, root, user, operator, anonymous, etc.

  • Passwords: Abcd, aaaa, 1234, 1111, test, password, public, blank password, password identical to the ID, password123, qwerty, 123456789, etc.

  • Hackers often attempt to hack using lists of weak or commonly used usernames and passwords. Therefore, it is essential to be cautious of this.

Attack Methods

Attack Scenario

  1. The attacker possesses a list of usernames and passwords with weak string strength.

  2. The attacker uses this list to make indiscriminate login attempts.

  3. If even one attempt succeeds, they can use it to steal personal information or create additional victims using methods like XSS.


  1. Length and Complexity Requirements: Set requirements for password length and diversity to encourage the use of strong passwords.

  2. Strengthen Password Policies: Guide users to create secure passwords and set password change intervals.

  3. Require Two-Factor Authentication: Implement additional security by using email, SMS, or apps for two-factor authentication.

  4. Account Lockout Policies: Set policies for locking accounts after a certain number of incorrect login attempts.

  5. Improve Education and Awareness: Provide users with education on strong password usage and security.

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