[Solution]1009. Complement of Base 10 Integer


2 min read



Solutions (time, space)

  1. bit calculation with JAVA method
  2. bit calculation with bitwise operator

I solved with JAVA method. But, this problem is asking, "Do you know bitwise? Do you know how computer save data?"

bit calculation with JAVA method O(n), O(n)

class Solution {
    public int bitwiseComplement(int n) {
        String base2String = Integer.toBinaryString(n);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(base2String.length());

        for (char tempChar : base2String.toCharArray()) {
            int tempInt = (tempChar == '1') ? 0 : 1;

        return Integer.parseInt(sb.toString(), 2);


  1. get base 2 String from input int base 10
  2. reverse the base 2 String by StringBuilder
  3. get base 10 in from reversed base 2 String

bit calculation with bitwise operator O(n), O(1)

class Solution {
    public int bitwiseComplement(int n) {
        int bitCounter = n;
        int tempBit = 0;

        if (n==0) return 1;

        while (bitCounter != 0) {
            tempBit = (tempBit << 1) | 1;
            bitCounter = bitCounter >> 1;

        return (~n & tempBit);


  1. ~10 (NOT gate of n) = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0101 (because of Java using 32 bits)
  2. ~10 & 1111 = the answer=0101
  3. to get 1111, move bit to left and add 1 only length what we wanted.
  4. bitCounter : the length of bits for input
  5. tempBit : added 1 as length
          while (bitCounter != 0) {
              tempBit = (tempBit << 1) | 1;
              bitCounter = bitCounter >> 1;

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